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User Roles

About User Roles

  • User roles are optional titles that you can apply to your uses and contacts
  • Using roles in combination with locations and applying them to users and contacts can be a powerful way to scale alerts while minimizing configuration time
  • Only accountOwnerscan enable and eliminate user roles

How to Enable and Apply User Roles

Section 1: Users Roles Are Managed via Users & Contacts
On DicksonOne go to
  1. Manage
  2. Users & Contacts
  3. ClickManage User Roles
In User Roles
  1. From the Available Roles, click on a roll and drag it to the Enabled Roles section
  2. All of the roles that you enabled will be available for assignment to your users and contacts
  3. You can also create your own roles by typing into the text boxAdd a role…at the bottom and click on the+sign to add the role to your list
Section 3: Applying a Role to a User or Contact
Select a role to apply to a user
  1. When creating a user or contact, by clicking under Role (Optional) you will see the available options that are enabled
  2. Select a role you wish to apply to the individual
  3. You can also edit your current users/contacts and apply a role to them as well
Select a location(s) that the individual will be a contact role at

  1. All of the locations for which you have access to will be displayed in the drop down menu
  2. You can allow an individual to be a contact role at 1 or many locations
Please note that locations function as a parent-child relationship format. These locations are also used for grouping contact roles and locations as part of notification policies and alarms, and they are not to be confused with location permissions for user access.
Section 4: Use the Roles
When creating notification policies for custom alarms, alarm templates, and/or notification policies you can use the roles available
  1. You can select from the roles that you have created or individual contacts. In the example image you can see that the system will send an SMS to Alarm Responder 1, and that means that any user/contact that has the role Alarm Responder 1 will be contacted based on the respective locations the user/contact was tied to when an alarm event is triggered
  2. You can also see that an email will be sent and you can determine a different role to contact if you would like

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